Quick Links

Here’s a decent primer on the healthcare reform proposals (via The New York Times). Even better, peruse what doctors, nurses, and other clinicians are thinking via this week’s Grand Rounds, hosted by the inimitable Dr. Rich at Covert Rationing Blog.

Also, a primary care doc makes a list of the problems he took care of on one random day (also via NYT). Interesting post, which I’ve thought of doing in the past as way of showing a slice of what family doctors might see on a “typical” day.   I’m in a practice model like most family docs that expects me to be much busier than this doctor, so my list would probably be over 100 unique medical issues per day, not including phone calls.  Some patients have over 25 unique issues alone – I don’t know how they manage, but I think the concept of a medical home and a good primary care foundation in this country would help.  More time would also be wonderful.


One thought on “Quick Links

  1. chairman meow

    The health care debate is interesting. I hear a lot of sound bytes against it… (which are loudly applauded in town hall meetings by people wearing trucker hats & suspenders)

    I’m going to have to read up on it, but i think that health care, like other crucial industries that we can’t function without (including energy & banking) would be better off run as non-profits.

    I’m afraid that we’re already realizing that we are the victims of our own greed. Attempting to get anything done in Washington quickly exposes the fact that corporations run our government. Regardless of what you think of obama, the guy is an impossible spot… I’m going to look into that grand rounds discussion to see doctors’ perspective…

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