Comments on: Non-Homogenized Milk is Better Than Disneyworld A physician's commentary on current issues in medicine, clinical research, health and wellness. Fri, 11 Jun 2010 14:37:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Thu, 29 Apr 2010 00:26:22 +0000 Yes, Ed, you can get pasteurized but non-homogenized milk. One that I really like is Farmer’s Creamery, which is available in several states. If it’s not available in yours, try googling “non-homogenized milk” and the name of your city.

If it’s non-homogenized, it’ll say so on the label.

By: Ed Pullen Mon, 26 Apr 2010 00:49:34 +0000 Does anyone know if you can get pasturized but non-homogenized milk?

By: Hildy Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:48:13 +0000 To recreate it, buy skim milk and full fat cream. Add your desired amount of cream to milk, shake.

By: Aurora Wed, 24 Mar 2010 00:01:59 +0000 As with most things we put in our bodies, the less we mess with milk the better it is for us. A friend of mine went through this horrible ordeal halfway through college when all the bad food he had been eating finally kicked his butt. All the bacterial flora in his gut died, he was unable to digest food, and he lost something like 40 lbs in two months. His doctors back in his hometown were horrified (as were all his friends!) and they made him eat tons and tons of live-culture yogurt and kefir, and drink raw milk. Seeing him get back his health in this way convinced us all, more than anything else could, of the benefits of food the way it was meant to be.

By: Kendra Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:52:27 +0000 yummmmmm! I grew up on a dairy goat farm and have very fond memories of enjoying fresh (non-homogenized, and yes, sometimes fresh from the udder) goat’s milk every day! I still attribute my strong bones, and good health to fresh goat’s milk!

By: Pietr Hitzig Sun, 21 Mar 2010 05:03:30 +0000 Even better 60 years ago when you went with your grandfather holding your hand to a neighbor’s kitchen where she was pouring milk warm from the cow into the pasteurizer. “Here, Mr. Hall, take this quart home straight from the cow, No need to heat up the milk, we don’t have TB in my herd.’

And the milk, poured over hot porridge next morning without shaking. Oatmeal, a pinch of salt, brown sugar, clumps of cream. Delicious.

By: madhu Sun, 21 Mar 2010 02:56:32 +0000 Full fat is the best…it satisfies so you can have less. We started w full fat milk due to the kids and now we continue ‘cos it is better. We don’t drink that much milk so I rationalize that it okay…a little of what you fancy does you good…

By: robin andrea Sat, 20 Mar 2010 16:00:49 +0000 Ah, nice to see another fan of Ravenswood Old Vine Zin.

By: bb Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:49:08 +0000 This post sure got my interest especially since I am very lactose intolerant — so much so that I double over in pain. One day I was reading something about raw milk. It kind of grossed me out. One day I decided to give it a try. I purchased raw milk from Whole Foods and decided to try my experiment on a Friday night after work in order to give myself enough time to recover from a bout of painful lactose intolerance even though proponents of raw milk stated that lactose intolerant folks could drink raw milk. I gave it a try. Raw milk tastes much different than pasteurized and/or homogenized milk. Nothing happened after several hours. I drank some more and again, nothing happened.

Turns out that when the milk is pasteurized, it kills all the living bacteria (the good stuff) in the milk and they have to add stuff back in such as vitamin D. I now drink about a gallon and a half weekly of raw milk and I can say that I have never been healthier. My gut has a whole slew of good bacteria. I haven’t been ill in so long that I almost forget what it’s like to be sick except for recently. A friend got the flu that lasted for almost 2 weeks. He was out of it, throwing up, fever, not able to get out of bed, the whole nine yards. I ended up catching it from him. I woke up one morning feeling out of sorts. I also was sick to my stomach and had a low grade fever though nothing like his fever. In fact, while I stayed home, I did not stay in bed. I just kind of went about my day at home. Weird thing is that I was pretty much over it by that night, just kind of feeling out of sorts and weak. By the next day, it was as if I never was sick.

I am guessing that as a physician that you’re probably a bit germ conscious and raw milk probably raises the hair on the back of your neck. Humanity has been drinking raw milk for all of her history until recently when people got sick and were dying. No wonder — what they did to the cows in the early 1900’s — Yikes. The milk coming from those cows was blue because of the disgusting conditions they kept them in and the food they fed the cows.

With raw milk, I know the source which is not the case with pasteurized milk. Dairy farmers sell their milk to a central source where it’s all pooled together.

I won’t touch the pasteurised milk. I never ever want to feel that kind of stomach sick again in my life. Pasteurized milk goes sour and can’t be ingested. Raw milk doesn’t go bad, it just turns to kefir. The good bacteria eats up the bad bacteria but since pasteurizing milk kills off the good bacteria, it can only turn sour and become rancid. I have not had milk for over 20 years until 3 years ago when I started drinking raw milk.

I can’t believe I can drink milk again.

By: emmy Fri, 19 Mar 2010 21:18:43 +0000 I don’t like milk, so I won’t comment on the taste. But remember if you plan to make hot cocoa with the non-homogenized milk, you must first skim the cream from the milk you intend to use. Otherwise you create something of a runny chocolate cheese.
