Comments on: Cellphonophobia A physician's commentary on current issues in medicine, clinical research, health and wellness. Thu, 13 May 2010 01:57:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Kramss Thu, 13 May 2010 01:57:51 +0000 I not cellphonaphobia, I just prefer not be a prisoner to technology when I’m out and about. I’ve yet to understand why people pay hundreads of dollars to go to a concert just to talk on their cellphone or text the entire time. For me it’s there for an emergengy and nothing else. There again I’m old school.

I too have a cousin who worked in sales, contantly on the road and constantly with a cell phone up to her ear. She developed a massive tumor also right behind the ear to which she used to hold that phone. Now deaf in one ear, she has cut back on cell phone use. Not ready to take any more chances. Can you blame her?

By: No Rad Mon, 10 May 2010 19:40:47 +0000 Cell phone emits electromagnetic radiation with cause me pain.
I am not a technophobic person; I work at the high-tech industry.
I love gadgets and electronic equipment, so I am not a phobic , I just know, cell phone emits electromagnetic radiation, and exposure to electromagnetic radiation cause health issues.

By: chairman meow Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:44:14 +0000 i think the analogy is good about living under power lines. there are probably dozens of mildly toxic everyday contributers to cancer in the world today including cell phone use. it’s hard to avoid most of them, including eating seafood, (mercury) most vegetables, (pesticides) etc. etc. — in general, the key thing to note in the cell phone debate is that much of the “science” out there has been funded by the companies who profit directly from the cell phone industry. I don’t think that most people are comfortable standing next to the microwave when it’s on, and i feel the same way about frequent, long conversations on my cell phone.

I have a friend who is a business owner who spent hours a day on his cell phone until they discovered a massive brain tumor behind his left ear. (where he would rest the phone) it could be a coincidence, but to me it looks like his cell phone use may have increased his odds of getting the tumor.

The bottom line is that no matter what the various scientific data says, intuition should still help us make our own decisions.

By: emmy Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:42:01 +0000 My issue with the cell phone is that I dislike having an electronic leash. I passively agressively leave it on the charger a lot of the time.

By: Wren Wed, 28 Apr 2010 00:54:54 +0000 I don’t like cellphones either, Dr. Charles, but it’s not because I’m afraid of the radiation. It’s because I’ve never liked talking on any kind of phone, period. I like to see people when I talk to them. And the signal quality of cellphones isn’t very good. We have all these neat bells and whistles, but can often barely make out what the other person is saying. The old phones were a lot better that way. Bluetooth — I absolutely hate talking to someone using a Bluetooth.
And yes, I do have a cellphone. I gave up my landline because it seemed stupid to pay two phone bills every month. In this society and in this age, you can’t do without a phone, I guess.

By: Kendra Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:32:38 +0000 Great post. I also suffer from a mild form of “cellphonaphobia.” But my phobia is more related to actually talking on the phone, versus a fear of radiation and such. I think it’s not uncommon in my generation. I have become so accustomed to emails and texting, that actual verbal contact is sometimes scary. I know it’s an unreasonable fear, but I have it anyway. But that’s what phobias are all about!

By: robin andrea Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:24:58 +0000 My older brother has cellphonophobia. It equally extends to his refusal to have a wireless internet connection. I actually admire his steadfastness about this, although he’s probably still being bombarded by electromagnetic radiation just in the course of everyday modern life. He has attempted to limit his exposure. In a decade will we all regret this connection insanity?

I can tell I’m part of the “older generation” because I don’t have a desire to be connected all the time. I don’t text or tweet. I am accustomed to having high speed internet, but in our new house our download speed is only 3.0 mps. I said to Roger the other day, even though we’ve had download speeds twice as fast or more, it’s like we’ve grown up on this speed. It doesn’t bother us to wait 3 seconds more for a site to load. Ah, such patience!
