Comments on: 7 + 3 Foods to Avoid A physician's commentary on current issues in medicine, clinical research, health and wellness. Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:42:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dream Mom Sat, 08 Jan 2011 07:05:18 +0000 What about GMO foods? I suggest avoiding any foods made with the top four genetically modified crops: corn, soy, cottonseed and canola.

As for BPA, I just went through my entire kitchen last year, getting rid of plastics (not all plastics have BPA but I got rid of them anyway) and switching over to glass and stainless steel. (And of course, you shouldn’t be heating anything in plastic bags or plastic in the microwave or the plastic will leach into your foods. )Instrasigentia…The Fresh Preserving Store sells Ball glass jars with BPA Free Plastic Lids-they were the only place that I could find plastic lids that were BPA free (The jars will come with canning lids and you’ll have to purchase the BPA lids separately. You can also find these jars at Walmart and you can purchase the BPA free lids there-it will say BPA Free on the box now. Of course, most infant formula and canned formula (for kids like mine that are on gtube feeds) come in cans lined with BPA; there aren’t really any alternatives. BPA is also found in the plastic of blenders, food processors and many other kitchen appliances. To date, I don’t think there are any food processors that come with a glass versus plastic jar.

Eden Organics is the only manufacturer that makes cans that aren’t lined with BPA. I purchase Eden Organic black beans at Whole Foods. As for tuna in BPA free cans, there is one manufacturer for that but the canned tuna is high-something like $7.50/can.

As for beef/bison, it’s tough to purchase grass fed/pasture raised off the shelf at a grocery store. I shop at Whole Foods and often their beef and bison will say “vegetarian fed” which means they feed them soy. I go online to learn about the farms. You can purchase and have the beef/bison shipped but you have to do your homework. I saw Food Inc as well and I wrote one place that sold organic beef/bison and asked them if their soy feed was organic since most soy is GM. Many farms have websites and photos so it’s important to do your research. But it’s not just the grass fed and pasture raised that makes a difference in the meat-things like the distance to slaughter (longer time equals more stress to the animal and chemicals are released which can alter the flavor of the beef) and a multitude of other factors play into the taste and nutrition.

Nourishing Traditions is a great book for guidance on what to eat, etc.

By: Cynthia Bailey MD Thu, 06 Jan 2011 21:50:44 +0000 I completely agree with these recommendations. I’m glad that we physicians are now putting this sort of diet and nutrition advice out to our patients and the public. People want us to use our background and expertise in science to filter through all the pseudo-scientific hysteria in alternative health and find what has merit. Right on!

By: Intransigentia Wed, 05 Jan 2011 20:14:34 +0000 I immediately thought the same thing as Susan – cooked/canned tomatoes for the lycopene win! I wasn’t aware that there was BPA in the tins, and this is really disappointing because a number of my favourite quick/healthy meals involve dumping tins of beans and tomatoes together in various combinations and proportions.

How about home canning? Is there BPA in the rubber that seals those jars? I’ve got enough salsa to last a decade; maybe if this year is a good one for tomatoes I could just can them plain.

Incidentally, will you be tomato-blogging this summer?

By: David Harmon Sun, 02 Jan 2011 02:14:44 +0000 For popcorn, I suggest an air popper — sprinkle the butter on top afterwards! Or other toppings — I like parmesan cheese or soy sauce, often with various spices. Nutritional yeast is great, if you’ve got it around.

By: robin andrea Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:31:40 +0000 My grandmother, who died at the age of 84 in 1976, used to say that “they” were killing us with the food. She was not paranoid, she was well-read. She knew all those years ago that the quality of food was changing, and that the stuff that passes for food had very little relationship to the real thing. I noticed an ad on one of the websites I was reading this morning, it had photos of vegetables and a note to parents to teach their children early on how to eat well. Made me wonder what kind of species doesn’t know how to feed their precious offspring?

By: Susan Weissman Fri, 31 Dec 2010 21:55:58 +0000 And I wasunder the impression that canned tomatoes might be better because they are cooked and that releases the lypocene? Seems there are down sides to so many foods….

By: Elissa Fazio Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:14:02 +0000 Sorry but so much of this is just not true. I’m so disappointed that you are just repeating old canards with no skepticism. Especially that last bit about the McDonald’s hamburger – it’s been debunked by a number of people. The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe crew covered this at length in their podcast a few weeks ago – sorry but I don’t have time now to reference which show. Please look into these more thoroughly before spreading this food fear.

drc – thanks for the (albeit disappointed) comment. I did look into the project, and it was not a hoax, but one blogger did state that the lack of mold was more of a dessication issue, common to all hamburgers left out to rot or not. I think I’ll have to do my own experiment. I’ve updated my post. Otherwise, I’m sorry you feel fearful about the rest… perhaps you can at least take home some knowledge through the links to eatwild and blue ocean institute.

By: drcharles Fri, 31 Dec 2010 18:51:53 +0000 Fruit face photo credit!
