
by Oliver Riley We remember those who came before. Without direction the dream-thoughts wander On the edge of waking memory razor thin Like the first gasp of sunrise on Ganymede. We remember a windowsill overlooking a city at night The smell of tobacco, of lemons Deep in our collective archive, the vigil of all things […]

You’re Only Part of a Machine

by Matthew Cannizzaro Amputated human beings, only gears, nuts and bolts that make up the machine. Oh woe, who are we post industrialization but the first positive proton to survive its opposite, the first fiery bursts of fusion to breathe light into blackness. The first hydrogen atom to find its partner, the first galaxies swirling— […]

Waiting Room, and Heartbeat

by Conrad Geller Waiting Room In the emergency waiting room, each visitor sits, Humble and cold. The TV is too red, Its sound hollow and fuzzy. The New Yorker Fleers and scoffs at all solemnity. Exits are clearly marked, but the visitors Do not move. Something has enchanted them. With each rustle of entrance, nurses […]


by Jon Duckett There are gaps Gaps in the discourse Unspoken moments where a woman A woman just stares Unsure, unknowing, unaware of implications Unprocessing Just the news, Test results, Things to tell her family Everything is white Everything, stark Trapped in a colour Can it be stark and dirty? Searing, yet flecked With the […]

A Four Minute Heaven

by Kevin Nusser Heaven lasts four minutes the duration of hyperactivity from the oxygen-deprived brain this is my four-minute stroll It opens with me beside the bathtub washing Sarah’s hair, she is 6 years old I’ve used too much shampoo to get extra bubbles and they are running down the wall above Sarah’s hand “Ah, […]

Microscopy Slide of the Spinal Cord

by Tabor Elisabeth Flickinger The spine is built of butterflies; Each spreads its wings upon a slice Of sky stained myelin-blue. When trapped, extracted, scrutinized, The mottled pinion shows its scales’ Designs of subtle hue As tinted nerve cell bodies make The eyelets of the checkerspots Of caught Nymphalinae. Meticulous collectors keep Their beauties under […]


by Nykki B. You are O! she comments, as I pass her by So pretty pregnant today. Blossomed they say, with a smile. You have a sparkle. Perhaps some women are made to blossom for naked silhouette pictures empire waists Pastel print jumpers Not I. Gravid, I am – half-moon heavy, full and round. There […]